Veil of Night (Vampire: The Dark Ages), by Chris Hartford, Ellen Kiley, James Kiley, Adam Tinworth, Sarah Roark, Michael B. Lee, Lucien Soulban
Vengeance of Alphaks (Dungeons and Dragons Master Module M2), by Williams, Skip
Verbosh (D&D/Dungeons & Dragons), by Bill Faust, Paul Nevins
Versus Books Official Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal Perfect Guide, by Jason Brown,Matthew Rorie
Veteran car owners' manual, by Carter, Ernest Frank
Victorian Age Vampire: London by Night, by Campbell, Brian, Hartford, Chris, Tinworth, Adam
Victoriana 3rd Edition Core Rulebook, by Ciechanowski, Walt
Victorious RPG, by Mike Stewart
Vigilante City RPG RPG Core Rules, by Alan Bahr, et al
Vigilante City RPG Villain's Guide, by Behr, et al
Vikings (Rolemaster Campaign Classics #1030), by Lee Gold
Village Book 1 (Judges Guild, Campaign Hexagon Sub-system), by Marc Summerlott, Bill Davis
Villain Design Handbook, by Ferguson, D. Andrew, Sylvestre, Jarrett, Jelke, Brian, Morgan, Don, Plemmons, Mark
Vindication, by Sarvas, Bob
Viper: A Sourcebook for Champions (Iron Crown Enterprises Staff), by Scott Bennie,Cliff Christiansen
Virgil Exner: Visioneer: The Official Biography of Virgil M. Exner, Designer Extraordinaire, by Grist, Peter
Virginia Chemicals Liquid Sulfur Dioxide, by VC
Virtual Adepts (Mage: The Ascension, Book 1), by McKeeman, Darren,Heckel, Harry
Virtual Realities: A Shadowrun Sourcebook, by Kubasik, Chris,Dowd, Tom
Volo's Guide to Baldur's Gate II, by Wizards Team
Volo's Guide to Monsters (Dungeons & Dragons), by Wizards RPG Team
Volo's Guide to the Dalelands by Greenwood (1996-12-31), by
Volo's Guide to the North (AD&D/Forgotten Realms), by Greenwood, Ed
Volo's Guide to the Sword Coast (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 2nd Edition : Forgotten Realms, Official Game Accessory, No 9460) (No 2), by
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