The Maine Two-Footers: The Story of the Two-Foot Gauge Railroads of Maine, by Moody, Linwood W.
The Maleficium: The Sourcebook of the Infernal (Ars Magica), by Christopher Earley, Ken Cliffe
The Marvel Universe Role Playing Game: Guide to the Hulk & the Avengers, by Marvel Entertainment
The Marvel Universe: Roleplaying Game, by Marvel Entertainment
The Masked Witches: Brotherhood of the Griffon, Book IV, by Byers, Richard Lee
The Meccano System and the Special Purpose Meccano Sets, by Bert Love,Jim Gamble
The Mechanoids Rifts Sourcebook Two, by Kevin Siembieda
The Mega-City One Archives Volume I: The Justice Department (Judge Dredd: the Mega-City One Archives), by Dembski-Bowden, Aaron,Hahn, August
The Mega-City One Archives Volume Two: Lawbringers (Judge Dredd), by Hahn, August
The Metal Smile, by Damon Knight
The Midderlands 5e Black Hardcover RPG D&D, by Staff
The Midderlands 5th Edition Setting & Bestiary RPG, by Staff
The Milenian Empire (Hollow World : An Official Dungeons & Dragons Game Supplement, Hwr3), by Herring, Anthony
The Milenian Scepter (Dungeons & Dragons: Hollow World), by Herring, Anthony
The Milwaukee Road Olympian: A Ride to Remember, by JOHNSON, Stan
The Mines of Custalcon (Judges Guild, Wilderness Book One), by Bryan Hinnen
The Mists of Krynn (AD&D/Dragonlance Module DL15), by
The Mithril Collection: Handbook Number One (A collectors guide to miniatures from J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings"), by
The Monson Railroad, by Whitney, Roger A
The Monsters Know What They're Doing: Combat Tactics for Dungeon Masters by Keith Ammann
The moon and the bonfire, by Cesare Pavese
The Moonsea (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Forgotten Realms), by Terra, John
The Morrow PRoject Game Master's Shield and Reference Tables GA-1, by Staff
The Morrow Project R-002 Damocles, by H.N. Voss
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